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Lee Seyoung- Shin EunSoo- Tian Xiwei- Minami Hamabe

Sep 11, 2022, 5 tweets

Inkyung and Her great aunt ❤️ I love the duo. Inkyung the problem solver lmao

#LittleWomenEp4 #LittleWomen

How come no one mentioned Kim Go Eun and Nam Ji Hyun having amazing chemistry as sisters? #LittleWomenEp4 #LittleWomen

Ofcourse we all knew Hwa Young gave that 70 bn to Injoo #LittleWomen #LittleWomenEp4 so they will escape to Singapore

Great Aunt Oh Hye Suk is an absolute mood lmaoo #LittleWomenEp4 #LittleWomen

Choi Do il Sus cam intensifies. I think the ledger is a threat to him or he just have some ambition to get that money from Injoo #LittleWomenEp4 #LittleWomen

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