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Bloomberg reporter / Congress. Opinions mine. #FridayNightZillow #CheapZillow for fun. RTs ≠. Tips:

Sep 12, 2022, 7 tweets

CRAZY find in Joshua Tree, California! "The Rainbow House" is $590K, and guaranteed to blow your mind. #SundayNightZillow…?

🌈🏳️‍🌈🤯🤯🤯 Rainbow Overload #SundayNightZillow

Total commitment to the bit. #FridayNightZillow

Never seen a pool like this. #SundayNightZillow

Not sure what's going on in here. Do I want to know? #FridayNightZillow

The interior is relentless. You get 2BR, 2BA >1K sf. Enough to house two couples or a small family for AirB&B digs, which must be the idea. You might go insane if you had to live here for decades? #SundayNightZillow

For more on the artist behind the house:

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