Lee Yun Profile picture
Lee Seyoung- Shin EunSoo- Tian Xiwei- Minami Hamabe

Sep 12, 2022, 8 tweets

It was not Panic attacks 🤣 #TheLawCafe #TheLawCafeEp3

Twice appearance #TheLawCafeEp3 #TheLawCafe

Lee Min Young cameo?? #TheLawCafeEp3

Can they stop staring #TheLawCafeEp3

Deokim and Lady Seo -> Yuri and Cheon Deok #TheLawCafeEp3

Lmao they are so over the top #TheLawCafeEp3

Exactly #TheLawCafeEp3

Why Yuri having Panic attacks #TheLawCafeEp3 #TheLawCafe

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