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Sep 13, 2022, 33 tweets

its time we as a gay nation decide once and for all what the best shade of pink is... its time for the ULTRA MEGA PINK SMACKDOWN 2k22 (sponsored by the global femmes initiative)

(polls and colours in thread!)

Bubblegum pink (#F58092) VS. Steel pink (#cc33cc)

Rose Pompadour (#ed7a9b) VS. Super pink (#cf6ba9)

Shocking pink (#fc0fc0) VS. Ultra pink (#ff6fff)

Rose pink (#FF66CC) VS. Bright Pink (#FF007F)

Brink pink (#fb607f) VS. Paradise pink (#e63e62)

Fandango pink (#de5285) VS. Barbie pink (#da1884)

Pink (Pantone) (#d74894) VS. Chilean Pink (#e8c3ba)

Pink Lavender (#dbb2d1) VS. Queen pink (#e8ccd7)

Solid pink (#893843) VS. Solid pink (2.5 Gamma Corrected) (#c78b95)

New York pink (#d7837f) VS. Pastel pink (#dea5a4)

Coral pink (#F88379) VS. Tango pink (#e4717a)

Mimi Pink (#ffdae9) VS. China pink (#de6fa1)

Amaranth pink (#f19cbb) VS. Baker-Miller pink (#ff91af)

Cameo pink (#efbbcc) VS. Baby pink (#f4c2c2)

Champagne pink (#f1ddcf) VS. Deep pink (#ff1493)

Hot pink (#ff69b4) VS. Light pink (#ffb6c1)

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