Lee Yun Profile picture
Lee Seyoung- Shin EunSoo- Tian Xiwei- Minami Hamabe

Sep 13, 2022, 7 tweets

Yuri thought ahjumma gave her fot free instead she asked money #TheLawCafeEp4 #TheLawCafe

Yuri mom came at right time lmaoo #TheLawCafeEp4 #TheLawCafe

"She's your responsibility" #TheLawCafeEp4

Just patch up already #TheLawCafe #TheLawCafeEp4

She said brother and sister my foot 🤣🤣🤣 #TheLawCafeEp4 #TheLawCafe

Ahn Se Bin my baby is here and the other kid may be the one who showed up infront of Yuri??? #TheLawCafeEp4

Not these two ladies making money in Yuri's cafe lool #TheLawCafeEp4 #TheLawCafe

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