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Sep 14, 2022, 17 tweets

PINK SMACKDOWN ROUND 2 - this will be a shorter polling time because ill be out of internet for a while as of tomorrow and id hate to leave everyone waiting!

(polls and colours below)

Bubblegum pink (#F58092) VS. Rose Pompadour (#ed7a9b)

Shocking pink (#fc0fc0) VS. Rose pink (#FF66CC)

Brink pink (#fb607f) VS. Fandango pink (#de5285)

Pink (Pantone) (#d74894) VS. Pink Lavender (#dbb2d1)

Solid pink (2.5 Gamma Corrected) (#c78b95) VS. Pastel pink (#dea5a4)

Tango pink (#e4717a) VS. China pink (#de6fa1)

Baker-Miller pink (#ff91af) VS. Cameo pink (#efbbcc)

Deep pink (#ff1493) VS. Hot pink (#ff69b4)

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