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Email experts with premium email and apps designed to protect your #security & respect your #privacy & #freedom.

Sep 14, 2022, 12 tweets

As a privacy-focused company, we support the AICOA.

What is The American Innovation and Choice Online Act?

This thread aims to provide a simple explanation 👇


@SenSchumer Big tech is not a fan of the legislation.

Google, Apple, Amazon, Meta and have poured US$95 million into efforts to discredit these bills.

#AntitrustVoteNow @SenSchumer

More choice and less data-driven targeting and manipulation

#AntitrustVoteNow @SenSchumer

The legislation only applies if a company has a certain size or global reach: a market cap of at least $550 billion in the last 12 months or at least 1 billion global users.


How will the antitrust bill affect online services?

Well, you may finally be allowed to uninstall the default app.


It will also remove dark patterns from the sign-up process

#AntitrustVoteNow @SenSchumer

The American Innovation and Choice Online Act will result in more choices for people and better pricing

Out of the top 6 search results for the term "email" 4 relate to Gmail. Which leads many people to believe, that Gmail is Email.

Tech giants will no longer be allowed to block alternative services

As like how @Microsoft has blocked @thexyz…

(they eventually unblocked @TutanotaTeam, why not us?)

Apple would not be able to make things difficult for people and environmentally unfriendly for the planet

An end to paying a subscription to unlock features you already have

#AntitrustVoteNow @SenSchumer

Read our blog on the topic here:…

Thanks to @gifcop for help with the GIFs

@threadreaderapp unroll

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