NSSpain XII Profile picture
A worldwide known conference for Apple developers, surrounded by vineyards. Sept 18-19, 2024. By @lascorbe & @borjareinares. Sponsorships: sponsors@nsspain.com

Sep 15, 2022, 45 tweets

It’s an honor to get @merowing_ to open nsspainX this year.

We start with Composable Architecture at Scale! #nsspainX

Next up we got @basthomas! With a personal story “Bas: My Accessibility Story”

We’ve wanted to bring Bas for some editions now and we are glad he hit this stage this year 🤗 #nsspainX

Did you want to know more about Progressive Disclosure? @HiraleeMalaviya got you covered!

She did great on stage presenting Designing powerful APIs with Progressive Disclosure. Don’t miss it when we publish the video online! #nsspainX

An energy bomb just hit the stage! @flarup delivered an excellent talk “Celebrating App Icon Design”

Both funny and interesting, you want to catch Michael’s talk as soon as it hits our Vimeo account #nsspainX

How to migrate legacy code efficiently? A lightning talk by @elenipapanikolo you know you need to watch! #nsspainX

Interested to improve the lead time of teams? Then this talk by Jessica Hernández Velarde is for you!

Improving the iOS development process guided by technical metrics #nsspainX

All pics on this thread shot by our photographer, @JoaquinMayayo! Thank you Joaquin 👏

Blown away by @jfahrenkrug excellent 3 demos on “Living dangerously: The why and how of safely using private APIs on iOS”

Are you wondering why method is useful? Definitely add this one to your watch list #nsspainX

Can we build cross-platform projects?

A question we always face at least once at some point, if you want to know how @pedro_g_s and the team solved it you’ll want to watch his talk “Swift WebAssembly + GoodNotes, a cross-platform story!”

Are you wondering how to balance local UI vs remote? And how can you achieve the later?

@krzyzanowskim delivered a great, fun talk for you: Server-Driven UI, from macOS to iOS #nsspainX

Are you thinking of starting your own thing? Give that last push to that side project?

@jowinst closed the first day with a talk that can relate to many of us: Done > Perfect. Remember the ultimate goal is to deliver #nsspainX

What an incredible 1st day we had, superb talks, good chats, and tons of new friends! 🤗 #nsspainX

More pics from the 1st day! #nsspainX

And we got to the afterparty, on a winery! We went to Bodegas Eguren Ugarte 🍇 #nsspainX

It was so good to be able to get together again and spend time with everybody yesterday, thank y’all for making nsspain nsspain! ❤️🙏🏻

More pics from yesterday at the winery! 🍇☺️

Shout out to our MCs, @bertadevant, @dimsumthinking and @TimOliverAU!

They are doing an outstanding job presenting the conference, we are so honored to have such a dream team with us on stage ❤️🤗

Lift off! We come back today after a fantastic 1st day at the conference, and the party at the winery! 🍇

We feel blessed and honored to be able to gather so many great people at #nsspain thank y’all 🥰🤗🙏🏻

We started the day fully powered, @alainakafkes opened the conference with “The perks and quirks of rewriting Calm's WatchKit app in SwiftUI”. A must! Nothing is more helpful than listening the experience others went through #nsspainX

We super happy to see more and more teams take accessibility as an important step on the development process.

Don’t miss @dadederk’s talk “365 days of accessibility” filled by tips on how to achieve it and get better at it #nsspainX

One talk about rewriting projects in SwiftUI is great, but what about TWO talks!?

Matias Villaverde and Rens Breur got us covered! Don’t miss “Rewriting SoundCloud in SwiftUI” #nsspainX

As Steve Jobs said “we can only connect the dots looking back”. It’s up to us what dot we make next

That’s why diverse teams are important, each one of us bring different experiences

Cross Connection is a very personal talk by @subhransu you need to watch #nsspainX

Do you do pair programming? No? Maybe you should!

Pablo Balduz and Aleksandar Ninevski talk about their own experience on “Fruits and Robots: Cross-functional pair programming 🤖🍎” #nsspainX

Back in 2013, at our first NSSpain, @orta gave his very first international talk!

Today he came back to the stage to reflect on the maintenance of @CocoaPods during this time

“CocoaPods, 10 years of maintenance, what I would do differently”, a perfect fit to our 10th edition ❤️

What’s better than 350 people posing for a group pic? 📸

350 nsspainX attendees posing for a group pic! 🤗🥰


Kids today! A superb talk by @cocoaphony to reflect on the ways we all, young or experienced programmer, learn

Exploring how to copy without shame and how to keep learning our whole lives #nsspainX

Details matter! See how to craft highly polished, interruptible, gestural interactions on iOS powered by all the latest (and some custom) technologies #nsspainX

Crafting Responsive and Playful Interfaces by @b3ll!

Every company, every product, every team, is different.

@ifbarrera jumps on stage to show us How to choose the right branching strategy for your team (and why it matters!) #nsspainX

Do you want to know first hand what a team learned scaling an infrastructure to billions of API calls a day? #nsspainX

Don’t miss “Lessons from Mobile Networking at Scale” by @simjp

Here comes @zats with an interesting talk he titled “Artisan vs Explorer”. Where he explores the tension between knowing a few topics in-depth, vs knowing many topics but in a comparatively shallow way

One to add to your watchlist! #nsspainX

URL Routing with NavigationStack! Now @mbrandonw jumps on stage to close the conference.

On his talk he explores how to build a router that can transform nebulous URLs into state that drives deep-linking in your application, and more!

A must if you are into SwiftUI! #nsspainX

That’s a wrap! #nsspainX has been a fantastic edition, where we’ve meet tons of old and new friends 🥰

Thank YOU so much to every single one of you, who make the conf special & different every year. We might have started it, but you are the ones who actually make it a reality ❤️

Thanks to our talented video recorder and producer, @nyxos, some of the videos of the talks are already uploaded! 🚀

Ready for the first one? 🤩

“Composable Architecture at Scale” by @merowing_



“Bas: My Accessibility Story” by @basthomas



“Designing powerful APIs with Progressive Disclosure” by @HiraleeMalaviya



“Celebrating App Icon Design” by @flarup



“How to migrate legacy code efficiently” by @elenipapanikolo



“Improving the iOS development process guided by technical metrics” by @jessvelher



“Living dangerously: The why and how of safely using private APIs on iOS” by @jfahrenkrug



“Swift WebAssembly + GoodNotes, a cross-platform story!” By @pedro_g_s



“Server-Driven UI, from macOS to iOS” by @krzyzanowskim



“The perks and quirks of rewriting Calm's WatchKit app in SwiftUI” by @alainakafkes



“365 days of accessibility” by @dadederk



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