Amygator 🐊 *not an actual alligator Profile picture
Lawn flamingo enthusiast. Elite Human Capital. Pronouns: Y’all, All y’all. Don’t blame me; I didn’t vote for him.

Sep 15, 2022, 20 tweets

“illegal immigrants” 👀

Tell me all the virtue-signaling swanky yankee chardonnay socialists are frantically hiding their “In This House…” yard signs without telling me 😂


buT tHaT’s iLLegAL! 🫠

They honestly just have no idea of the scale of the problem.



Remember, it’s fair game to copy & quote their own words back at them:

Besides, Dukes County (where Martha’s Vineyard is) is far too old & white. This will help boost their diversity score.
#YoureWelcome 🤗🫶


It’s different when Democrats do it because shut up.





Oh no

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