Samuel West 💙💛 Profile picture
Often actor, sometimes director, always geek

Sep 15, 2022, 15 tweets

“Humans can’t", said T.S.E.,
“bear very much reality.”
At times like these, when all at sea,
We need a televisual cup of tea.

And so here’s #ACGAS; I forsee
delights autumnal and carefree
To add to Thursday night TV
As downward falls the mercury.

With thumping heart and knocking knee
James prayed that Helen would agree…
She did! But what to wear? Will she
Turn up in dress or dungaree?

So Mrs Hall, our own Queen Bee
Plans sausage rolls and kedgeree
(It’s not a fancy wedding, see?
More cake and beer than chilled Chablis)

Now thoughtful more, and less carefree,
(does that sound like hyperbole?),
But through all this, we guarantee
Nothing will dent Tristan’s esprit.

And what of Siegfried, yours truly,
The Terror of the Bourgeoisie?
He champions, single-handedly,
The vanishing art of chivalry

With love and idiosyncracy
We present our new #AllCreatures spree
On Channel Five, predictably -
Tonight at nine: it’s Series Three.

(and lest you should think “How lovely”:)

Ep 2 of #AllCreaturesGreatAndSmall is tonight at 9pm on @channel5_tv.

We have some new cast members. They’re great. And small #ACGAS

I thought you might like this picture I took of @RachelShenton on set.

Straight out of early 40s Hollywood

Animal handler Dean Clark showed our children around the #ACGAS holding farm in April. COVID and Foot and Mouth rules make the logistics of moving and training animals for a series like this complex.

The calves are so small they still need coats for spring filming in the Dales

Tonight’s #AllCreaturesGreatAndSmall goes to some dark places. But everything gets lighter in the end.

Episode 3 stars @michaelmaloney and @StevenPHartley and some very beautiful horses. 9pm, @channel5_tv

Siegfried returned from the Great War preferring most horses to most people.

Tonight’s episode is the one where that stopped feeling eccentric and started to make perfect sense #ACGAS

Shoutout to our brilliant #ACGAS horse master Mark Atkinson and his son Ben.

They have a connection to their animals which is nothing short of astonishing, and they couldn’t have been kinder or more helpful to an improving rider

Thank you so much for your kind words about #AllCreaturesGreatAndSmall tonight. A labour of love, as I’m sure you could tell.

If you missed it, it’s available here…, so you can miss it again.

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