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Sep 15, 2022, 10 tweets


Go with #theabelog. Barca misplaced multiple chances. We were the better team. Ability, quickness, we had that. The thread's a little piece and not similar to the previous ones. Buckle up for a ride.

A Tactical Thread

📈 Stats By @Barcalytix

Graphs — Players w/Most Influences With XG & XT

• Not fully mastering the defensive aspect of the game, Marcos Alonso became the creator for Barca with his impeccable crossing abilities.

• Gavi, the most creative player by the most chances created into the half.


Both parties implemented the marking/Press. The moves behind it represent a very basic form coming with its ups and downs. Affecting positioning as contradicted to other reference points such as the ball, teammates or space/zones.

Game One — Effect Of Our Style

The negative to this, hitting us hard was Musiala. He's clever and moves into uncomfortable positions that caused problems as spaces opened in dangerous areas that the rest of the team struggled to cover. Musiala and Sané dominated that territory.

The Second Approach

The positives of this approach are obvious; you can limit the influence of Musiala within the opposition by marking him tightly and restricting him from playing through to Sané, but we did quite the opposite as Dembouz and Alonso had Sané in a 2 v 1

situation giving Musiala freedom. Christensen's positional awareness w/qiuck runs to meat up never gave rise to nailing Sané/Musiala, therefore he was out-paced. Most critical factor to the game, but the lack of pace to Sané wasn't ideal. He's quick and technical.

Bayern were quick in their buildup. Pacy wingers, a very important factor in their game and many numbers of their players never lacked pace. We keep up with them in the race. Something worth appreciating.

Both plays differ in the final third when talking Forwards. Wingers, looking to come inward to occupy the half-spaces/central areas in the attacking phase or there is the very opposite approach when the wide attackers stay outside and essentially stretch the game out.

Barça's creative winger were lost more oftentimes. Dembele & Raphinha all ball to a name " extremely energetic yet not creative" they were all lost for a long time.

The engine never fails to the team play. We outran Bayern.

The pliability of Bayern's system and approach to the game were qualified to take the pressure from Barcelona and then swivel the wave in the second half, and simply the strategy that won then the game.

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