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Beto’s gonna win. Whataburger stan. (He/Him) 👨🏼‍🤝‍👨🏻: @jomatx 🐶: Luna

Sep 15, 2022, 9 tweets

Senator Cruz was on my flight, and I asked him to name any of the Uvalde victims.

He couldn’t. Texas deserves better than spineless hacks like this. Right the wrongs of 2018, and make @BetoORourke our next Governor. #betoforgovernor #cancuncrus #uvaldestrong

I think it’s worth sharing that we had this exchange while I had my Pokémon neck pillow on. 🥰

I have truly found my calling.

If you hate that cowards like Ted Cruz represent our beautiful state, help us flip some red seats and put real Texans in Congress.

Support @LiraForCongress so we never have to hear from punks like Tony Gonzalez again!

He used these exact same lines all day.

Shout out to @Ariana_noGrande for her coverage of this in the @HoustonChron.…

I forgot this little gem from right after I cut the video. The woman in front was trying to reassure him. 😅

Like I said, podcast episodes.

Whenever Cruz deflects to Democrats, it’s cuz his party is made up of people like this.

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