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"Journalism Jesus." Senior editor for Turtleboy Daily News. Award winning journalist. Preferred investigative journalist of the anti-establishment.

Sep 16, 2022, 35 tweets

I’m in a couple Martha’s Vineyard Facebook groups and they’re all turning on each other. Calling out their friends for not letting migrants in their summer homes

“Obama has room”

“I’m sure he does but that’s not the point”

It kind of is though, Rebecca

“Ron DeSantis is sick because he’s sending people to an island paradise where they are welcomed”

“Permanent housing? I thought we were just doing a weekend camp out?”

“I’m not willing to let them live with me but I have some hand me down clothes. I’m a good person, right?”

I found them - the only liberal in Massachusetts who thinks they should practice what they preach. When will Edgartown build high rise housing projects?

Property value on Martha’s Vineyard is about to plummet like we’ve never seen before. I’m buying a house in West Tisbury this weekend

Poor Carole can’t believe they brought all these icky poor people to her expensive community. Now let’s treat them with kindness by putting them on a boat and sending them to Rhode Island

According to a very reliable source the migrants will soon be put on a boat and become Falmouths problem. The national guard is being mobilized for this. 50 people. Texas deals with thousands every day with no help from the federal government.

Looks like Kyle Rittenhouse won’t be invited to stay in either of Pat Nagis summer homes

For anyone new here, I'm Aidan, the founder of Turtleboy Daily News. We break major news stories and expose hypocrisy in New England and around the country. Here's some of our most influential work. Give me a follow and I promise you'll be entertained:…

Gail here is looking to get her locks changed in Edgartown. Wonder why?

Dawn is the realest mofo on the Vineyard, and she’s had quite enough of Celine’s bullshit

Leslie wanted them to be sent to Boston where they can vote for Ayanna Pressley in 2 months. After a year in Roxbury they’ll be begging to go back to Venezuela

Amy will absolutely take some illegals into her home. She just doesn’t know how to do that, and hasn’t considered driving to Oak Bluffs and offering

Sending illegal immigrants to overcrowded liberal shitholes like Los Angeles is compassionate. Sending them to beautiful island vacation destinations is traumatizing

It was wrong for Heavy D to send 50 migrants to the Vineyard because they’re not ready for it. Unlike small Texas border towns who are warned well ahead of time about the thousands of migrants crossing daily

You may have seen our state rep from the islands and Falmouth on TV blaming DeSantis and Tucker Carlson for sending 50 migrants to his district. This is the real Dylan Fernandes when he isn’t running for office.…

While I have your attention, feel free to subscribe to our YouTube channel, where we break down fun people like this and the dumb things they say and do.

Update - they are now raising money to get the brown people off their island. Something tells me they won’t be going to Vermont

“This is our chance to show how much we love them by making sure they’re no longer in our backyard.”

Uhoh, the boomers on the island have figured out that Facebook is not their diary, and that people are laughing at their conversations

How long until Andy Ngo says he found these posts on his own?…

For anyone who is new to Turtleboy, I quit my job as a high school history teacher in 2014 to do this full time. I've been banned from Paypal, Facebook, Google Adsense, Twitter, and more. Get sued all the time and win. Still here. This is my story:…

Time to rank them. Here's the Top 11 comments from Martha's Vineyard residents freaking out about 50 migrants in their neighborhood.…

Wasn't expecting to make it on @Timcast when I tweeted this last night, but thanks for the shoutout!

Now would be as good a time as ever to plug our DeSantis 2024 Make America Florida merch, and all the other cool stuff in the Turtleboy store:

Update on this thread. Now that the 50 illegal immigrants pretending to be refugees were deported from Martha’s Vineyard someone rented a plane and is flying a “Vineyard hypocrites” sign around the island

The residents, who didn’t pay a dime to house or feed these illegals, are not amused by the sign

These are from a now private Facebook group where they haven’t figured out my identity yet. Ron Minkin vows that next time a plane full of illegals shows up they will keep them, in order to prove that they’re not lowlifes like those who are calling out their hypocrisy.

They apparently think that deporting 50 migrants from their exclusive islands with 100,000 empty beds was “being kind.” Karen Boyd suggests donating to a charity instead, like the $42k gofundme the migrants won’t see a dime from

According to Sascha Wlodyka, islanders made MAGA supporters look bad by letting illegal immigrants spend the night there before throwing some Corn Pops at them and deporting them to a military base.

A Globe reporter was removed from the group when he asked for permission to use the photo. I will not be asking for permission but will be using the photo anyway.

Turtleboy was linked and featured in a number of media outlets this weekend, including the Daily Caller, Red State, and now Newsweek:…

Update: Pat Nagi, who initially started this whole thread by refusing to let any of the 50 migrants stay in 1 of her 2 homes on Martha's Vineyard, has reactivated her Facebook page after 48 hours offline. Now that the migrants are deported she has some thoughts.

New blog: the residents of Aquinnah are now "suffering" and being victimized by a plane carrying a sign that says "Vineyard Hypocrites." They apparently have no idea why they are a national joke.…

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