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I have views on all kinds of news! Blessed to be followed by @narendraModi ji🙏🙏; Co-convenor BJP Mumbai - IT and SM Cell; Views strictly personal

Sep 16, 2022, 9 tweets

See what @Dev_Fadnavis ji is talking about #VedantaFoxconnProject going to Gujarat 🔥🔥

Those who did ZERO efforts to bring project to Maharashtra are asking questions to ED sarkar on how project went to Gujarat?

If shamelessness had a face, it would be MVA

See how @Dev_Fadnavis ji promises that Maharashtra will once again become No 1🔥

We don’t h@te Gujarat; we are born on the same day; but we have a healthy competition👍

Btw,who are the 3 paakit patrakars that Devendrabhau is hinting at?

Unka correct karyakram karna padega👍👍

Who took Maharashtra from No 5 to No 1 & who brought it down again?

@Dev_Fadnavis as CM,took Maha from No 5 to No 1 position in FDIs

From 6B, Maha went to 26B but in last 2 yrs,came down to 18B

While Gujarat went from 3B to 22 B

But now,DF promises to make Maha No 1 again🔥🔥

. @Dev_Fadnavis asks-

Who stopped 3.5 lakh crore refinery project in Maha?

That was 3 times bigger than Jamnagar refinery in Gujarat & would’ve taken us 10 yrs ahead of other states &created 5 lakh jobs?

Who stalled Bullet train & Mumbai metro?

Investors are watching all this

Sthagiti sarkar stalled Bullet train , Mumbai metro & #Vadhavan port which is the one of world’s DEEPEST deepdraft port where even the biggest ship🚢 in the world can dock

Our refinery & Vadhavan port will keep Jamnagar refinery & Mundra port of Gujarat behind- @Dev_Fadnavis 🔥

. @Dev_Fadnavis ji is a tough taskmaster who has ZERO tolerance to corruption & bureaucratic apathy

Those who don’t work, will get SUSPENDED🔥🔥

Maha will now not be held hostage to VASOOLI & DALALI 🔥🔥

Maharashtra will be No 1 again🔥🔥

If India has to be a 5 trillion $ economy, Maharashtra has to become 1 trillion $ economy

& for that,we will improve ease of doing business & give full support to small scale industries that create jobs & are backbone of economy

Jai Hind
Jai Maharashtra

- @Dev_Fadnavis ji🙏

To see the entire video, check out this youtube link -

Please do watch this tweet thread, RT & tag others

This thread of Devendrabhau’s speech needs to go viral🔥

@MumbaichaDon @sowmiyasid @ragiing_bull @CAPratikKarpe @KetanPathakLive @NidhiKamdarMH @Krunal_Goda @jitengajaria @vivekanandg @MandarSawant184 @MeSavarkar @garg_trupti

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