Cara Thompson Profile picture
👋 #Dataviz Consultant with an academic background 💙 Maximising the impact of other people's expertise

Sep 16, 2022, 6 tweets

Today I've mostly been building a #QuartoPub slides template. Here are 5 things (+ a question) I spent a while figuring out - some might be obvious, some are a bit hacky.
Sharing in the hope of saving other #rstats users some time!

1/5: Need to move the footer? Find footer.css!

2/5 Want a logo over a dark footer? footer.css is also where you can change the z-index of your logo and its padding, if you want to make it appear over the top the footer and align it as you choose.

3/5: Want to change the colour of the controls in the footer? Be careful!

I spent a while changing the colour of .fas etc, only to realise I'd made all the chalkboard colour selectors the same colour - oops!

Instead, change $link-color, and override your hyperlink formatting.

4/5: Looking to change the text to white in your slides when the background image is dark?

Specify a background colour even the background is entirely covered by the image - the text will then automatically be changed to white!

5/5: Want to change how bullet points are rendered? Watch out for the panel tabset headers!

Turns out, they're also a list of some sort, so if you do change your default bullet points, make sure you override that when it comes to tabsets.

Finally: Here comes the question... How do I make this into a template?

I've set it up the same way as I have for {pagedown} and {xaringan} templates, but there's no "From Template" button with Quarto... What am I missing? #QuartoPub

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