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Sep 17, 2022, 27 tweets

Hillary Clinton:

“Some politicians would rather not only have an issue, but exacerbate it to the extent of literally human trafficking.”

Human trafficking. A thread. ⤵️

In the first Democratic primary debate, Biden says when he’s president, illegal immigrants should “immediately surge to the border.”

Immediately. Surge. What was Biden’s plan to handle this surge? There wasn’t one.

So what about the “trafficking” claim Democrats are making in response to migrants being sent to the southern border? Well, that’s ridiculous.

Let’s talk about actual human trafficking that has happened as a result of Biden urging migrants to “surge to the border.”

One out of every three migrant women are raped as they make their way to the border. That’s MANY thousands of young girls and women who have been raped.

Biden’s call for a border surge created a BILLION DOLLAR human trafficking operation.

In 2021 and 2022, 871 migrants died while making their way to the southern border. Doesn’t this make Biden the most prolific human trafficker in modern history? Or a mass murderer?

Does Biden have blood on his hands? Shouldn’t he be viewed as the most insidious human trafficker in modern history?

In summary, @POTUS has created an international humanitarian crisis that has resulted in nearly 1,000 deaths and the rape of tens of thousands of young girls and women.

In a sane world, this would result in impeachment, rather than a simple phone call that got Trump impeached.

Yes. Biden should be impeached for the border crisis he created. Yes, Biden has blood on his hands. And yes, Biden is an actual human trafficker.

To claim that @GovRonDeSantis is a “human trafficker” because he placed 50 migrants on private jets and flew them to a resort island that is lined with opulent mansions is so ridiculous that it defies the imagination.

And now for part two of this thread.

We heard from the residents of Martha’s Vineyard that they didn’t have the resources to care for a paltry 50 migrants.

No really. They don’t have the resources to care for 50 immigrants. “We have a housing crisis on the island.”

A housing crisis? Really? Let’s have a look at some of those houses.

Okay, so blindingly wealthy people living on an exclusive island don’t have the resources.

How about the people of Texas. What are they expected to cough up as a result of Biden’s human trafficking operation? More than $850 million EACH YEAR.

But what happens when the people who live in border states show actual evidence of schools, hospitals, police, social services, and other public works being inundated as a result of Biden’s open borders? They are called xenophobic racists.

Leftists screech “You just want to keep the brown people out!” These same leftists ignore that hundreds of “brown people” are dying, and thousands being raped, as they make it to the border. Why don’t leftists care about THOSE brown people?

What are some of the other implications of Biden’s open borders policy? How about the security of the American people?

When Trump rightfully pointed out that criminals were crossing the border, he was called a “racist.”

But what about actual border security? You know, like preventing international terrorists from casually walking across the open southern border?

Don’t worry. The Border Czar™ has provided assurances.

So, about those terrorists that leftists claim don’t exist? Well, it’s happening. Terrorists are infiltrating the United States following Biden’s call for a “border surge.”

Biden should be impeached for willing endangering the American people.

Okay, in addition to terrorists walking across the southern border, and illegal immigrants murdering Americans, what other dangers has Biden exposed Americans to?


Leftists shut down schools and masked children to protect them from COVID-19, but…

Biden’s border crisis has resulted in tens of thousands of Americans overdosing and DYING from Fentanyl that has crossed the southern border.

Biden should be impeached for creating a public health crisis that has resulted in tens of thousands of Americans dying.

In summary, Biden should be impeached for the following:

Causing the deaths of nearly 1,000 migrants.

Creating a condition that caused thousands of young girls and women to be brutally raped.

Endangering Americans by allowing terrorists to cross the open southern border.


Endangering the lives of Americans by allowing dangerous criminals to enter the country illegally, which has resulted in the murder of untold numbers American citizens.

Creating a public health crisis with Fentanyl, which has resulted in tens of thousands of deaths.

Looking at it this way, it highlights the completely ridiculous nature of the Trump impeachments. Biden has killed tens of thousands of people. Trump made a phone call.

Given what Biden has done to migrants, why isn’t AOC doing this at the front gate of the White House?

More fallout from Biden’s humanitarian crisis at the southern border.

Just this morning, in Eagle Pass, TX, over 500 hundred migrants illegally entered the United States. This year alone, over 450,000 illegal crossings occurred in this sector. But #MarthasVineyard?

Leftists claim that Republicans are engaging in “human trafficking,” meanwhile, children are still being kept in still what @AOC called “concentration camps.” And family separations are still occurring. I think leftists call this “fascism.” But #MarthasVineyard?

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