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Brooklyn Nets enthusiast he/him

Sep 18, 2022, 8 tweets

Hamilton Strategies and Moms for America put out matching press releases announcing the "Save the Republic Rally" - at the US Capitol on Tuesday, January 5th 1:00-3:00pm.
Hamilton PR -
Moms for America -web.archive.org/web/2021010100…

The release included links to this flyer.

The same branding along with a schedule including the rally can be found on the #MagaMapGuide - linked in the tweet below for download. The map was created by Mercedes Sparks, a business partner of Lance Wallnau.

Hamilton Strategies and Moms for America both linked to the map for the "Save the Republic Rally".
The one on the left was uploaded Dec 2020 while the one on the right was uploaded Jan 2021. Only difference I see the move from area 8 to 9 - though the star is in the same place.

Links to the Moms for America Save the Republic Rally maps -
December 2020 - web.archive.org/web/2021012617…
January 2021 - web.archive.org/web/2021012919…

Moms for America also hosted a rally on 11/1/20 called the "Moms for Trump Rally".
The rally was scheduled for Sunday, November 1st at 2:00 pm in Washington DC in front of the Supreme Court Building. web.archive.org/web/2020110603…

Like Moms for America's "Save the Republic Rally", the "Moms for Trump Rally" used Hamilton for PR - This Oct 2020 press release said to contact Hamilton Strategies to interview the president of Moms for America, Kimberly Fletcher. web.archive.org/web/2021051315…

Moms for America seemingly has an ongoing relationship with Hamilton Strategies. They've made various posts like this over the past 2 years (and likely prior).

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