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Sep 19, 2022, 8 tweets

Royal family dress code for Queen’s funeral explained, including Kate and Meghan’s veils



Of course members of the family, extended family and politicians will be wearing black, but there will be other key details incorporated into the outfits.



The Princess of Wales, Kate Middleton, and Duchess of Sussex, Meghan, will likely wear black veils on the day.

⚫️ Members of the royal family, and non-working royals, will wear a traditional black veil in some form which is known as a “mourning veil”.

The veil has been accepted as the “correct etiquette” and allows for privacy while grieving as it allows the face to become slightly hidden.

👉 Mathew Storey, curator at Historic Royal Palaces, explained that it was Queen Victoria who set the standard for royal mourning clothes.

💬 “When her beloved husband died in 1861 she abandoned the colourful clothes of her married life and, with the rest of the royal court, adopted black clothing as an outward sign of grief. Her subjects duly followed suit, causing a rush on suppliers of mourning fabric”

It is likely that the female members of the royal family will pay tribute to Her Majesty with jewellery that they have been gifted from her, or that is borrowed from the late monarch 💎



Meanwhile, the Duke of Sussex, Prince Harry, will now be wearing his military uniform.

👉 Despite serving in the British Army for 10 years and being deployed to Afghanistan twice, a spokesperson for the Duke previously stated that he will instead be wearing a morning suit.

The decision about uniforms differs from Prince Philip's funeral in April 2021, when Buckingham Palace announced that no senior royal family members would wear traditional military uniforms.


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