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Liquid Staking | Easy Validation | Subnet Infrastructure | Web: https://t.co/VwaGordTZN | Discord: https://t.co/DY4J64g1i7

Sep 19, 2022, 14 tweets

🚨With the success of the @DefiKingdoms subnet on $AVAX, a lot of people are wondering how to run their own node🚨

We compiled a list of the 7 most common problems you may run into when setting up an @avalancheavax node so you can get involved in the subnet economy faster!🧵

🎈Where can I find resources on how to become a validator?🎈

You can find the official $AVAX documents at docs.avax.network/nodes/validate…

You can find a community of validators and developers here:


Official $AVAX discord here:


🎈Are you able to run nodes at home or on AWS?🎈

You can run an $AVAX node on AWS or using an at home setup with these specs:

🗻 CPU: Equivalent of 8 AWS vCPU

🗻 RAM: 16 GB

🗻 Storage: 1TB

🗻 OS: Ubuntu 18.04/20.04 or MacOS Catalina or better

Helpful setup links up next...

Checkout these links for help with setup at home or using AWS:

🗻 How to Run an $AVAX Node at Home:

🗻 How to Setup an $AVAX Node on AWS:

🎈How can validators be notified if another #validator is unresponsive or out-of-date?🎈

$AVAX has an active monitoring system called Avalanche notify that checks a validators responsiveness each minute

More about this in the next tweet...

An email alert will be sent if an $AVAX #validator is down for 5 consecutive checks and when a validator recovers after 5 responsive checks in a row

**Quick heads up, for your privacy when signing up for email alerts, consider using a new, alias, or an auto-forwarding email**

🎈Do the estimated rewards only show the rewards you earn from your staked $AVAX, or also from those who delegated their $AVAX to you?🎈

Unfortunately as of now estimated rewards only show your staked $AVAX

If you’re an $AVAX builder out there who wants to fix this problem, join our discord of developers and validators here: discord.gg/aNfvB9HV

The $GGP team is interested in this as well and we’d love to field any questions and look into it with you

🎈What is the best way to verify if your $AVAX validator node is currently working?🎈

@Allnodes makes checking your #validator node status easy

You can check your validator nodes operation status on check.allnodes.com @Allnodes

🎈Why would a greater amount of $AVAX staked require more hardware?🎈

The more $AVAX you have staked the more frequently your validator will be queried for consensus

The more frequently you’re queried for consensus the more computing and networking power you’ll need

With 800k $AVAX staked and delegated we see the following numbers:

🗻 10% CPU average (8-core) with spikes to ~25%

🗻 10% memory usage of 32GB

🗻 0.64MiB/s sustained egress

🗻 0.83MiB/s sustained ingress


🗻 Pruned db size of 256GB (pruned about 80 days ago at this point)

🗻 150MiB/s disk READ throughput from 2,000 iops (peak in past week)

🗻 240MiB/s disk WRITE throughput from ~1,500 iops (peak in past week)

🎈Can I set up a Validator node by staking less than 2,000 $AVAX?🎈

Right now, no but GoGoPool will let validators deploy at a cheaper price, starting at 1000 $AVAX

Make sure you're following @GoGoPool_ to stay up to date with our mainnet release

For more helpful $AVAX validator and #subnet tips check these links out:

🗻 YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UCSKtI…

🗻 Discord: discord.gg/aNfvB9HV

🗻 Community TG: t.me/GoGoPoolCommun…

🗻 Announcement TG: t.me/GoGoPoolAnnoun…

🗻 $GGP Blog: gogopool.medium.com

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