Andy Arthur 🐣 Threadinburgh 🧵 Profile picture
Overlooked stories of Edinburgh, Leith & Scottish local history. Expect the unexpected: people, buildings, transport, maps & occasional attempts to be funny

Sep 19, 2022, 6 tweets

Weird shit you can buy on the internet. This sticker for your bottle based on an Army of the Covenant banner.

No Covenanter pikeman would go into battle without his blue bonnet and one of these tasteful bottles off of Redbuddle. #StayHydrated

Oh you can get one for your phone too.

New blue bonnet just dropped.

I honestly don't even know. What's weirder, the fact that someone went to the trouble of "making" this, or how pleased the stock photo couple are with their matching Battle of Dunbar t-shirts?

One for anyone with a baby called James or Graham, or even better James Graham.

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