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If you make a claim on my public threads without backing up with evidence you will be blocked at my discretion.

Sep 19, 2022, 15 tweets

🧵Oversimplification of copyright law: a thread of questions.

🪡 Who owns the copyright if the copyright owner was married at the time and copyrights are marital assets?…

🪡Who owns the copyright if Amber failed to disclose her copyright claim to Johnny when they were working through their mutual assets?

Or if Amber signed an agreement waiving the right to claim copyright ownership or transferring copyright to Johnny?…

🪡Can Johnny claim joint authorship because he is a creative professional and contributed to the work by acting in it, or by cropping it?

🪡Given all of these reasons for Depp to make a claim to copyright ownership, is there any reason TMZ would have doubted his claim if his team leaked it?…

🪡If Johnny wants a confidentiality agreement because there are articles appearing with “Sources close to Amber” appearing, what does it imply when *all* of the articles about the cabinet video exclusively use “Sources close to Johnny”?

Amber has consistently denied responsibility for the leak, claiming that Johnny’s lawyers have connections at TMZ.…

🪡So why on earth would Depp want to leak a video that makes him look bad?

Well, does he assume it is inevitable that the video will be released eventually?

Did he make any money from the sale, or prevent Amber from making any money from it?

🪡The video arrived at TMZ the same day Amber’s second deposition date was missed due to flight issues, August 12. Who benefits more from the video being released the same day Amber’s to finally give her deposition?

🪡It’s all anyone wanted to talk about when she arrived for her deposition. Paparazzi were dispatched the 12th to find Amber didn’t show, and also the 13th when she did.

Did Depp steal her thunder by scooping her story, to control the narrative?

Would he want to make Amber seem like a jerk for trying to capture evidence of her abuse?

It is not illegal in California to secretly record someone if you are trying to capture evidence of DV, BTW.

🪡Did Amber ever sign the “gag order”?

Is she under any obligation at this time not to share her story which includes dealing with his temper tantrums and destruction?

Considering it was submitted as evidence in a public trial, why does it even matter if it was leaked?

🪡I hope you ask yourself these questions and more.

Depp is not a passive participant in this divorce, he is working to keep control of Amber and the story throughout the proceedings, including possibly leaking things to TMZ.


In other news, here’s an example of a person coming out with a story themselves because they feel it’s going to come out anyway and they want to *control the narrative*.

Sumner could have went, “oh no! It’s a damaging story, I would never put that out there” but NOPE. Her life.

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