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金培力 CCTV FOLLIES at Fulbright, Knight, Nieman Fellow.

Sep 21, 2022, 13 tweets

CCTV FOLLIES: 9/21 Xinwenlianbo
-Xi Jinping writes a letter about peace calling on countries to work together to uphold peace and pursue peaceful development.
-Putin has other ideas
-CCTV gives a bit more time to Ukraine
-But it still floods the zone with Kremlin coverage

Xi Jinping:
"At this important historical juncture, I put forward the Global Security Initiative, which calls on all countries to uphold a common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security,"

Putin announces a partial mobilization in the special military operation.

Putin's call to arms is illustrated with the usual CCTV stock shots of Moscow

"Ukraine says this shows Russia is finally admitting losses on the battlefield."

(CCTV shows highway shots of downtown Kiev. Not as postcard-perfect as the Kremlin shots, but perhaps part of an attempt to show some balance)

And then its the usual Russian Defense Ministry shots which CCTV is beginning to label "recent Russian footage" since they never seem to have any bearing on the battle of the day.

And again, an attempt to show a bit of Ukraine's point of view, though CCTV really has to do something about that insidious borderless map.

As per formula, the heat of battle is nothing compared to fanning the flames of the fire, which is exactly what the US is accused of doing with its weapons shipments.

Also, as per formula, CCTV is anguished about the possibility that Europeans, most especially Germans, might not be able to turn up the thermostat or fill their cars with gas due to dastardly US sanctions.

And as per formula, just before wrapping up the news, another grim report from the land of Monkeypox.

Time for a palette cleanser, right? CCTV has your back. Here some soothing scenes of Hainan set to soothing music. It's so peaceful, so green, so unlike the rest of world.

Brought to you by CCTV...

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