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@SouldaYoda of @Soulda16Club | iOS Dev | Husband | Everyone needs closure and I need a fun closure An ENFP who tested as ESFP but essentially is an introvert

Sep 22, 2022, 10 tweets

@Soulda16Club [Additional Info in…]
KUKU (#ENFJ) is a psychic.
Following Soulda's family strong mind power,
KUKU enters The Great Eve. It turns out it is part
of Kali (a god of India, who symbolizes time and
violence). Something is hidden in her pupils.

@Soulda16Club 👁👁

@Soulda16Club (1/n)
The great eye revealed herself in front of KUKU and JUJU, she is the god of time, the cycle, the death, and the birth.

and in her eyes, there are @Soulda16Club and a Cat spirit...

@Soulda16Club (2/n)
The time and space become distorted as KUKU gets closer to the power.

"The green spell is glowing and resolving", KUKU thinks, I need to be fast before the protection of the spell is fully gone.

@Soulda16Club (3/n)
The floating soul and the falling spirit...
"which one I should save...", KUKU struggled, she realized that there is not enough time for both.

KUKU was trying to follow her heart, but the decision need to be made, there is no time to wait...

wait...are they in pain?

@Soulda16Club (4/n)
KUKU looked again into the eyes of the goddess, "There is no hate, but a strong will that gazes on the soul and the spirit.", KUKU thought, "There is peace in her eye, why...?".

@Soulda16Club (5/n)
KUKU noticed the colors, the RED and the BLUE.
Just like the 陰(Ying) and 陽(Yang), KUKU felt the strength of both colors in a different way.

The RED is like Yang, triggers her, and elevates; while the BLUE is like Ying, creating space for things to be settled

@Soulda16Club (6/n)
KUKU realized that they are one, it's a circle of life. It's a balance between up and down, life or death, and the time...

Suddenly, there is a wave hit on KUKU and JUJU, and while they were trying to stabilize, KUKU notices the circles...

@Soulda16Club (7/n)
They are one chain to another, just like #Blockchain, and the one in the middle is the genesis circle. And the circle chain is looping in an infinite way that always comes back to the beginning.

It's like the Moon 🌕, KUKU think...
(pa! da!)
JUJU hardly pad on KUKU's head!

@Soulda16Club (8/n)
"Wake up! Don't lose your mind, stay focused!"
Thanks to JUJU, KUKU balanced herself back and cleared her mind.
"I need to act! I won't just wait here and accept the results!", KUKU said to herself, "I'm going for the @Soulda16Club spirit because my mind says so!"

it's A!

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