y ♡ Profile picture
— she/her | '03 | mainly writes for markhyuck ♡

Sep 23, 2022, 28 tweets

a dare, mcdo, and mk lee,
a mini #mahae/#markhyuck filo au wherein

— inspired ng very 🤏 irl
— still a work of fiction.
— plotless fluff/crack!!
— ewan ilang panels 'di ko na binilang
— enjoy reading na lang ♡ !!























❤️‍🔥 bonus



— END!! HAHAHSHSHSHSHSHAHAHA WALA TAWANG-TAWA LANG AKO I HOPE U ENJOYED IT THOOO ewan ko rin ah ba’t eto ❤️‍🔥 na emoji ginamit ko 😭 NEWAY good evening!! u can chika here w me!!

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