Chelsea Clinton Profile picture
Mom of Charlotte, Aidan & Jasper, Married to Marc, Advocate, Author, Teacher, @ClintonFdn & @CHAI_health & @HealthierGen, New Yorker

Sep 23, 2022, 9 tweets

Join us on #Gutsy as we canoe down a river, take up crocheting, and share brunch with brave women who are standing up to hate and violence around them.

Since founding @MomsDemand after the Sandy Hook tragedy, @ShannonRWatts has been battling the @NRA in gun bill hearings and on social media. She faces daily threats to her family via email, telephone and in person.

.@theestallion lives her life unapologetically - in her music, her videos, her studies and more. Expressing herself authentically has led to considerable backlash, but she’s not backing down and uses the backlash as inspiration.

Comedian & activist @NeginFarsad uses humor to help people recognize their prejudices, especially toward Muslims and women. Her family has received death threats as she’s toured the country with her “Ask A Muslim” booths.

.@ContraPoints uses her channels to fearlessly tackle head-on extremist beliefs, alt-right propaganda and fascist talking points, all while using costumes, props and different characters.

Sports journalist @JemeleHill has been receiving hate mail since college, though in recent years the online vitriol has risen to new levels as she stood up to Trump and the white supremacist hate in our country.

.@DawnRickCollins & @SusanBro7 each lost their children to hate crimes. They have channeled their grief into action, working to prevent future hate crimes and hold those who commit hate crimes accountable.

Former Neo-Nazi @_Shan_Martinez_ has dedicated herself to helping people escape the white supremacist movement she was previously part of.

All of these amazing women are standing up to hate and channeling the hate thrown at them into motivation to keep up their good and important work. Learn more about them in “Gutsy Women Refuse Hate” on @AppleTVPlus:…

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