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On an X hiatus. Be back in March(ish).

Sep 24, 2022, 7 tweets

So I decided to play along with this barn-burner of a tweet posted by Canada’s stilll masked “Top Doctor” on September 22nd, 2022 - otherwise known as the period of time the pandemic was being kept on life support for organ harvesting by the Trudeau Government. 🧵


The link directs you to a risk assessment survey by the National Institute on Aging(?).

I never knew the NIA was a thing let alone how much this agency must be costing tax payers…

“Note: Please always abide by local public health guidelines”

I’m sure this will be up to date.

Okay here we go, I tried to be as much of a COVID-Minimizer/Normal Person as I could be.

Yes of course it asks your gender and not your biological sex because this is super scientific.

Pay special attention to questions 12 and 13.

“No, none have been vaccinated.”

“Yes, all have previously had COVID-19.”

You know exactly how this is going to play out…

LOL at question 19.

None of that nonsense is going to be indulged.

Question 22: My perceived risk is LOW.

Now it’s time to calculate my actual risk DUN DUN DUN.

And of course I am very highly fucking dead. Why was I so reckless?

This website alleges it is not advisable to meet as is being currently considered in accordance with local public health guidance.

Did I say my location was Ontario, Canada or Guizhou, China? 🤔

So I did the survey again but only changed all of the answers to say everyone was vaccinated and recently boosted.

This brought the risk down to moderate. 🙄

This country. Good grief! /🧵

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