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🇵🇱potpourri of news,history&heritage ⚜️winging our way to glory ⚜️EconHist by training, chronically ill by fate ⚜️PhD⚜️LSE⚜️ECB⚜️PRINCETON ⚜️mon❤️reste en🇵🇱

Sep 24, 2022, 7 tweets

In 2003 the organizers of 🇨🇭Open gifted @rogerfederer with a 🐮 Julliette. "I'm going to learn how to milk it. I'll do anything for it" #Federer said back in the day. But what happened to the famous Moo thereafter? As a proud Permis B holder for years, let me give you the downlow

Roger #Federer quickly renamed his cow Ganga, and he soon became a proud bovine grandfather as Ganga gave birth to a calf. The calf was named Edelweiss. The duo, however, didn’t stay in the #Federer household for long. Ganga was sold at a livestock auction in Gstaad.

Unfortunately the fame didn't last long and in 2005 because of old age and lack of milk, Roger #Federer’s first cow was slaughtered.

In 2013, however, #Federer became a proud cow parent once again. That summer Gstaad gifted him another cow whose name was Desirée.

"@opengstaad today Desirée my new friend seemed to be a bit shy at first when we met, I got to admit that I was too!!" @rogerfederer said on Twitter

Desiree soon became a star herself & even had her own @Twitter account. @FederersCow started tweeting regularly, sharing words of wisdom like "Dear @rogerfederer, 🐮 display emotions and have been shown to produce more milk when they are treated better and as individuals"

Unfortunately all good things come to an end, just like "all cows go to heaven" ... @FederersCow @Twitter account has been suspended.

"Got milk?" The END. 😉

Really, the END...

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