nika; student era Profile picture
prologue: hi | if non-heejakeists DNI | works are in my moments 🫢🏻 | rps

Sep 24, 2022, 79 tweets

🌷Have We Met Before
a #heejake|#sunki au, wherein...

People say that life is 50/50.You'll experience 50% negativity and 50% positivity.Jul's and Ese's was 100% negativity. So what happens when they get reincarnated again as Aiden and Jai, a current representation of themselves.

🌷 tags.

- heejake & sunki β™‘
- historical?
- has mcd!! do not read if uncomfortable
- socmed + narrations
- written in taglish
- will contain curses/profanities
- will contain scenes that might trigger the reader

🌷 notes.

- purely from the author's imagination
- any resemblance or similar names and plots are purely coincidence

🌷 additional notes.

- please always remember that an au is an au, let us not associate the characters into the real persons. don't take the ships seriously, these are all for entertainment purposes only.

again, an au will always remain as an au. β™‘

🌷 reminders.

- pls do not reply to the thread, just react and qrt. they are highly appreciated <33
- be a responsible reader
- don't be shy to interact β™‘
- enjoy reading!

🌷Have We Met Before










































β€”a glimpse of jul/jai's brother






β€”year 1871


β€” cw/tw: mcd🌷








β€”notice aiden's pfp?










this was inspired by this song. i was listening to this while writing itπŸ’–…

have we met before is finally finished. i didn't think that i would be able to complete this since this was just an idea that i had during my exam period. but luckily i was able to finish it. to those who are reading this, i want you to know that life is unexpected, you'll never

really know what's gonna happen to you. so don't put off things to tomorrow or let faith decide what happens in your life. you choose, you have the choice. regrets are a heavy feeling, i know cause i've experienced the same thing. do what you think is right. don't ever settle on

a 'what if', follow what you want, stay true to yourselves. don't let others dictate on what you should do, cause no one really knows yourself more than you do.

that's all i have to say, again if you're reading this then i guess you've read until the end, and i'm thankful that i got to share this story with you guys🫢🏻

β€”you can share your thoughts here!!

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