Chikwe Ihekweazu Profile picture
Assistant Director General, @WHO Division of Health Emergency Intelligence & Surveillance Systems| WHO Hub for Pandemic & Epidemic Intelligence. Opinions mine

Sep 24, 2022, 5 tweets

We know that social sciences are important. We know that trust is central. We know that  human behaviour plays a large role in transmission but how do we measure these?

The hard questions at the 2nd #WHOHubSpeakerSeries. Watch the entire episode here.


Michael @M_B_Petersen spoke eloquently on how to use social sciences to build trust during a health crisis, acknowledging that trust is best built during peace time. 

“To sustain trust as a decision maker you need to trust those that you make decisions about”


Julienne @AnokoJulienne of @WHOAFRO has been a frontline social scientist for many outbreaks. She reminded us about listening to the communities and their needs and to act on this by ensuring community preparedness by applying social intelligence data


We heard views from social science practitioners & researchers around the world

They highlighted the need to build trust by being trustworthy, collecting data respecting different epistemologies and putting communities and individuals at the centre of response


We ended with a fascinating panel discussion, curated by @IlonaKickbusch who reminded us “We might have the means to create a vaccine in 100 days, however, after an outbreak, can we build trust within 100 days?”

Thanks @ChariteBerlin @WorldhealthSmt & Thomas Steffen - @BMG_Bund

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