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Irish / American actor, film director , producer and screen writer ,#hollywood #movies.

Sep 25, 2022, 11 tweets

Virtual vacation time!

Please enjoy the beauty of Chateau Chantilly, Chantilly, France.

Attached below is a number of photographs in two versions, one color, and the 2nd tweaked B&W “infrared” effect.

I took these when there in 2019, thanks to @Geurtie’s suggestion.


In the distance is the Chantilly Horse Museum.

Chantilly is about one hour north of Paris via train. We caught the D train at the huge Gare du Nord — it took a bit to find our way, but we did.

From the train station we caught a taxi to the chateau.…

Chateau Chantilly is immense and is surrounded by miles of pools, ponds, garden pathways and horse trails and the interior is filled with period furnishings, a huge collection of 15th and 16th century art works, second only to the Louvre.

We took about an hour hike around the grounds exploring the immense garden on the west side.

One can hike for days there, exploring the many trails and pathways surrounding the chateau.

Which version do you prefer?

Chateau Chantilly boasts of eight centuries of existence.

The main part of the chateau was destroyed in the French Revolution, and the contents looted, but was rebuilt and refurbished by Henri of Orléans, the Duke of Aumale.

About the gardens here. My sister and I explored the English garden and a bit of the French garden (pools).

Here is a photo of a couple of the pools in the French garden.

#ChateauChantilly #France #Photography…

Which versions do you prefer, the color or black and white?

Here a a couple photos taken at Pere Lachaise cemetery.

The third photo is one of my all time favorites, taken in 1995 using old school infrared film. Digitally tweaking an image in PhotoShop is close but no cigar to the real thing. The first image is one of my favs from 2019.

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