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Sep 25, 2022, 8 tweets

What is the science behind Kundalini?

Kundalini by itself a complete science. It is essentially a very basic energy, primordial cosmic power or spiritual energy. Kundalini plays a very important role during birth of a human being.

As we all know, there are 2 chakras that lie outside our body, on top of the head. If you observe a new born baby, some part of the skull is not formed, it's just skin no bone. As per yogic terminology its called (Brahmarandhra) = randhra; means a passage or tunnel.

This is the part of body from where life descends into fetus. As per yogic culture its observed that life enters the body between 40–48 days; if its after 48 days then a great being will be born - an Avaliya (अवलिया) i.e. a holy person, a saint/sage or austere devotee.

Its observed that as kundalini awakens, Shakti travels from Mooladhara to Sahasrara to meet Shiva (pure consciousness), one is enlightened. Yogis choose to take samadhi, break physical limits & merge with the source. But they choose Brahmarandhra to exit from the physical body.

As we all know, average human life today is 65–75 yrs. Nearly 99% of human body is made of 6 elements: Oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon, calcium & phosphorus. Another five elements make up about 0.85% of the remaining mass: sulphur, potassium, sodium, chlorine, & magnesium.

All of these 11 are essential elements, are made of panchamahabuta. As per yogic culture when chitta shakti( atman) is in physical body a person is alive, if it exits he/she is dead. But to live a long life a power full source of energy is required and that is kundalini.

Kundalini is thoroughly involved from birth till the baby is delivered and then it rests at Mooladhara. Further you can awaken it by sadhana, mantra japa tapa ……… Kundalini is an immortal bridge called Amritya-Setu between Individual self (Jivatma) and (God-Paramatma).

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