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Senecio art, illusion and theatre of the absurd

Sep 26, 2022, 14 tweets

Amusing, watching this play out..

Patricia Nicol writes in the Sunday Times about Alexi Mostrous's podcast on the #HampsteadCase

Seems Nicol's is a fan of Marina Abramovic…

"She sits poised and immaculate, wearing a Burberry Riccardo Tisci silk monogrammed blouse and tailored black trousers. A mug of murky builders’ brew is placed in her hand and her response is rapturous. ‘Oh my god how you manifest this?!’ she declares.."

" When she lived in Notting Hill Gate in 1971 , [Abramovic] washed dishes and got sacked as a postal worker for discarding official-looking letters..Now ..she will be the first woman in the institution’s 250-year history to have a solo show across all of the RA’s main galleries"

"I have been in Abramović’s charismatic presence before, not that she could be expected to remember. In the summer of 2014, I was one of 129,916 visitors to her show 512 Hours at the Serpentine Gallery.."…

"The forerunner of the public’s leading role in that piece was Abramović’s 2010 blockbuster, The Artist is Present, at New York’s Museum of Modern Art. The most popular show in MoMA’s history.."


"More than 1,000 participants — among them Björk , a teary Jemima Kirke, Lou Reed, Sharon Stone, James Franco and Rufus Wainwright — queued to sit at a simple wooden table opposite Abramović.."


"The work inspired the video for Jay-Z’s ‘Picasso Baby’. "

"That piece reflected a hunger among audiences for immersive, experiential culture, an area Abramović continues to explore. ‘That’s absolutely [of the] moment right now,’ she says..."

"Injury.. has played a key role in Abramović’s career.. She still bears scars from when things got dangerous..she set alight the 5 points of a communist star then leapt to its centre, could have killed her"

'Communist star' 😇

"Abramović, who dedicated her 2016 memoir Walk Through Walls ‘to friends and enemies’, says she comes from a ‘dark place’. She means aesthetically — post-war communist Belgrade ‘was a very ugly place’ — but also emotionally...

Abramović’s finicky, severe, hygiene-obsessed mother, a senior party figure, brought her daughter ‘up to be a soldier’. "

"There are frequent, scandalously untethered claims from Americans on social media that ‘Spirit Cooking’ — a recurring Abramović series invoking mystical incantations poetically — marks her out as a high priestess to Satan. "

"At the opposite cultural extreme, there are long-standing fans who complain that she has embraced the mainstream and become a brand. They question whether the Marina Abramović Institute , .. is about creating a legacy, or monetising her process."

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