hay ㅡ ia. Profile picture
rps // mostly for yangsseung and yangwen

Sep 26, 2022, 7 tweets

#yangsseung four tweets au

They are neighbours, who had feelings for each other but no one dares to confess- until Hee asked a question that changed everything.

“Hey, can you guess what's on my mind?”

🚪 a brainrot for yangsseung day

tag(s); narration, fluff, harshwords, mentioned food, blurry plot, college students yangsseung, written in english, tw cw will be added, yangsseung, heewon, etc.

ㅡapartment 1172
#yangsseung #heewon

ㅡapartment 1172
(cw//mentions of blood)
#yangsseung #heewon

ㅡapartment 1172
#yangsseung #heewon

ㅡapartment 1172
#yangsseung #heewon

ㅡ킅! the end.
💌 happy yangsseung day
💌 happy heewon day

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