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Love exists in actions, not words. 7.14.23

Sep 27, 2022, 7 tweets

It is getting awfully hard to keep my tinfoil hat off these days!!!! $ape $amc #apesnotleaving

Two different service reps.. both leave the chat after being asked the same question. @Fidelity any comments??

UPDATE* They now want a call in! Well then… why not say so the first two times? Oh so now you can’t access the account?? Weird. First two guys said they could.

update part 2*

Update 3 **** this one will make you laugh.

Update 4* seems like they can’t keep their story straight.

Update 5* that’s all folks. Phone call tonight I guess.

Everyone on here does realize that a CB of 16.13 for ape would mean… that the closing price on august 19th would have been 42.50. The closing price was 18.02 which would mean a cost basis of 6.84. Now do your cost basis relative to that. Seems a little off at this point no?

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