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So utterly effable by vixen.

Sep 27, 2022, 13 tweets

M4A2 - #Winrina , #SoWin , #2KMJ , #Jiminjeong short-series

Wherein the quadruplets shared their story on how they first met Lorelei, Thalia, Astatine, and Antimony...

A1. WinLei (Winter + Lorelei)
About a year ago:


A3. End of WinLei first meeting

B1. SpriLia (Spring + Thalia)
About a year ago rin...


B3. End of SpriLia first meeting.

C1 and D1
SumTine (Summer + Astatine)
AutuMony (Autumn + Antimony)
About 18 months ago...

C2 & D2

C3 & D3

C4 & D4
End of SumTine and AutuMony first meeting.


Header/bio reveal ng M4A2 chracters anyone?

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