Robb Parris Profile picture
He/Him. Once Blizzard fanboy, now recurring addict. Formerly of Heroes Lounge. Master of Dungeons. I run things for @30korg.

Sep 27, 2022, 12 tweets

About a 4 days ago I asked the @BlizzHeroes community to submit their power rankings for the @HOTS_Inter Miami LAN being held in just over 2 weeks. I am going to be keeping this poll open and will do an update if we get more results, but here are the initial bits of data 1/12

A total of 97 people submitted their results, looking at the predicted finishing position of the 8 teams, who they thought would be the LAN MVP, and what region they were from. The finishing positions were mandatory, but the MVP was not. 2/12

We saw a fairly even split between NA (45) and EU (41), and a much smaller amount of votes from other regions (8). It's worth remembering the much smaller sample size when I mention results from the other regions. 3/12

Starting off with the average power rankings, we can see that overall Washed up are the highest rated team, closely followed by @30korg & @TEMPEST_Hots . The NA community seemingly rates both Korean teams higher than EU by a decent margin. EU heavily rates Washed Up higher 4/12

Starting with Washed Up, we can see the spread of votes for the highest rated team are almost neck and neck for 1st and 2nd place. They are also the only team that received 0 8th place votes. 5/12

Coming in as the 2nd highest rated team, @30korg sees a more staggered pattern of voting, with people favouring them from 1st to 4th in a pretty stable decline. 6/12

Rounding out the top 3 is @TEMPEST_Hots with a large proportion of their 1st place votes coming in from NA, and also receives the most 1st place votes from the other regions. 7/12

Moving to the 4th-6th rated teams, we see a pretty closely matched rating between Bang Bush, @diamondhandsorg & Ammonite, but are clearly seen to be in a tier below the top 3 teams by the community. 8/12

Bringing up the rear is the bottom 2 rated teams of 5 Shots of Copium & Peformance Enhancing Zugs, who throughout the course of voting have been neck and neck in terms of vote spread. 9/12

Taking a look at the MVP voting, and the community seems to think that it will be between @kure_hots, Qepi & @NicHeroes, with @Liam_HotS & @Daykwaza_HotS not too far behind! Washed Up & @30korg were the only 2 teams to have all of their players receive a vote for MVP 10/12

Based upon the rankings, this is how the bracket could go, but as we all know rankings are rarely correct! Regardless of who wins, we are sure to have a great tournament, and don't forget that if you want to contribute towards the event, go check out 11/12

Thanks to everyone who contributed to these rankings, I will look to do more them in the future if we get more votes in! It is a small data sample size, but I hope this helped to get you a bit more hyped for the coming @HOTS_Inter LAN. If you are going, be sure to say hi! 12/12

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