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Sep 28, 2022, 19 tweets

Key moments of @SergeyNazarov 's Keynote at #SmartCon LIVE

Over 1500 projects!


Cross Chain World is on the horizon

"100's of trillions of dollars will be reformatted into this cross chain state"

Proof of reserve: prove the state of assets 💰

Chainlink Automation 🤯

CCIP! Connecting many networks into one network

Creates Critical Connectivity

"Taking our time to make sure we get it right"

Fraud Proofing Blockchain Transactions

Putting this value in Cryptographically secure systems

Capital markets alone there is $867 trillion worth of value that is primed to be reformatted into the Web3 format!!!

$9 trillion in App revenue expected

$86 to $171 Billion of revenue flowing into Decentralized Oracle Network revenue

TVE introduced!

Transaction Value Enabled as a measure of value created!

Chainlink has enabled $6 trillion in value



Chainlink Economics 2.0 brings Web3 to the world!

Chainlink build allows the launch and growth of Web3 applications

Allow developers to build the next generation of systems

Chainlink Revenue Sharing

The revenue capture side of economics 2.0

Chainlink scale allows for the reduction of cost on the network to launch oracle networks

Which will increase the amount of apps, data, and value on those chains


Chainlink Product Keynote on next! 🔥🔥🔥

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