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⸮ #Z28310 #freespeech #dgnres+ 🛍️

Sep 28, 2022, 9 tweets

Morgen (29.9.) an der @UZH_ch oder via live-stream:

"President Volodymyr Zelenskyy live from Ukraine: War in Europe & Global Security Architecture"


Volo hat definitiv zuviel Freizeit.



First and for the records, here's the whole footage:

(Sidenote: congrats to @UZH_ch @UZH_en for the top-notch sound transmission 🙃)


"In the swiss public opinion, you already are a real war hero, a very courageous man, a strong leader and immensely talented communicator. [...] already a legend, to many not unlike to Winston Churchill."

How the heck does this guy speak in the name of the swiss public?


Sound was top-notch. 🙃
And you'll especially like the moderator's chuckle.


"What is the best way for an ordinary Swiss citizen to support Ukraine?"

I guess we'll never know.


Marco?... WTF are you doing?...


"Do you have any special relations with Switzerland?"



Zelenskyy: "I think we will send to you [...] sound specialists."



Since the University is the place where ideas and opinions get openly compared, discussed and confronted, I can't wait for the next event with President Vladimir Putin.

Right, @UZH_ch @UZH_en ? Right?

/cc @RusEmbSwiss @mfa_russia

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