Shelby Strong 💗💜💙 Profile picture
She/her | ND | #MtHolyokeMath MATM '21 | Geek | Unapologetic feminist | Superstar | #MTBoS Math nerd | Being awesome; it's pretty much how I roll.

Sep 30, 2022, 8 tweets

Not a mathematician, but a mather!!

And the crowd already knows!!

@MsKmathclass #ShadowConVI

Kanchan shares when her students explored complex numbers.

@MsKmathclass #ShadowConVI

"My students finally realized they were creators of math, not followers of rules."

@MsKmathclass #ShadowConVI

Beauty with math is not just created! Featuring a stained glass window built by a student using @Desmos and the ceiling of Aksaray mausoleum in Samarkand, Uzbekistan.

@MsKmathclass #ShadowConVI

"I ask students to reflect on their day to make meaning of their learning."
@MsKmathclass #ShadowConVI

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