Matt Walpole 🌍 〓〓 Profile picture
Chief Exec @CwallWildlife, Chair - Conservation C’ttee @WildlifeBCN, prev @WWF @FaunaFloraInt @unepwcmc @DICE_Kent. Tweets own.

Oct 1, 2022, 8 tweets

Marked a month @CwallWildlife with a run through the woods to the beautiful, elemental north cliffs west of Portreath. Wild up there this morning #CornwallAONB

Don’t let anyone ever tell you nature isn’t good for you



A mini photo 🧵 of the rest of my weekend in west Cornwall

First the twin hills of Godolphin & Tregonning and a view of both coasts 1/…

Then down to Perranuthnoe 2/…

Back up to the heather and gorse of the north cliffs 3/…

…and a view like no other 4/…

Through the fields to Coombs 5/…

Into the woods… 6/

…to the water 7/…

Don’t let anyone ever tell you nature isn’t good for you

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