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— she/her | '03 | mainly writes for markhyuck ♡

Oct 2, 2022, 52 tweets

isilyiac way,
a mini #mahae/#markhyuck filo au wherein

hc finally decides to tell his best friend, mk, that he likes him, but he does it in a… creative way?

will mk even notice the meaning behind what hc is telling him?

it takes a list and a play of words to find out!

— this is a work of fiction.
— plotless (?) fluff/crack!! HAHAHA basta (if nabasa n'yo na ung mini aus ko, I think u'll know the msg! u'll easily notice the pattern ig)
— 30+ panels ata 'di ko rin sure 😭
— enjoy reading na lang ♡ !!
— pramis masaya to na may pagkakorni 😭😭

*⁠・⁠゜゚↝ START!!















🗒️ the day after!!

(photo not mine, credits to its real owner)



(photo not mine, credits to its real owner)




























*⁠・⁠゜゚↝ BONUS!!

*⁠・⁠゜゚↝ with mako’s caption too... it’s “akin” (tingnan n’yo na lang ulit HAHAHAHAHA)

— END!! HAHAHAHAHA personal fave 🫶🏻 thank you for reading dumb & dumber / mako & chan’s story HAHAHAHAHA natatawa ulet ako hELP anw, I really hope you enjoyed reading this one kasi naenjoy ko talaga s’yang isulat 💗 okiieee vyeee aral na cguro aq 🥲

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