Amit S.Rajawat  Profile picture
Proud Indian, Entrepreneur, Nation First, main acc : @satya_amitsingh

Oct 2, 2022, 5 tweets

I just saw #Adipurush teaser and it’s very disappointing 😒
It doesn’t even look like ramayan.
Very ordinary VFX, mostly copied from Hollywood movies. Saif as Ravan is worst, acting like villains of Spider-Man. Hanuman ji looks like monkey King and Prabhash as shri Ram is 😑

Ravan 🤷🏼‍♂️

Hanuman ji 🥲

Shri Ram Sena ( copied from monkey King )

Pushpak Vimaan ??
Rawan using this weird looking creature as vimaan 🤷🏼‍♂️ WTH

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