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Gerrymandering is a threat to our democracy. The National Democratic Redistricting Committee (NDRC) is fighting for #FairMaps during the redistricting process.

Oct 2, 2022, 20 tweets

The NDRC is proud to endorse 19 #DemocracyDefenders running for office in Colorado’s state legislature. Follow this thread to check out the candidates and for more information on how to support them ahead of the 2022 midterm election ⬇️democraticredistricting.com/democracytarge…

✅NDRC ENDORSEMENT: Barbara McLachlan [HD-59] for Colorado’s state legislature. @BarbaraforCO

✅NDRC ENDORSEMENT: Brianna Titone [HD-27] for Colorado’s state legislature. @BriannaForCO

✅NDRC ENDORSEMENT: Dafna Michaelson Jenet [HD-32] for Colorado’s state legislature. @dafna_m

✅NDRC ENDORSEMENT: David Ortiz [HD-38] for Colorado’s state legislature. @DavidDOrtizCO

✅NDRC ENDORSEMENT: Eliza Hamrick [HD-61] for Colorado’s state legislature. @eliza4colorado

✅NDRC ENDORSEMENT: Jenny Willford [HD-34] for Colorado’s state legislature. @JennyforCO

✅NDRC ENDORSEMENT: Julie McCluskie [HD-13] for Colorado’s state legislature. @McCluskieforCO

✅NDRC ENDORSEMENT: Lindsey Daugherty [HD-24] for Colorado’s state legislature. @LindseyForCO

✅NDRC ENDORSEMENT: Marc Snyder [HD-18] for Colorado’s state legislature. @MarcSnyderHD18

✅NDRC ENDORSEMENT: Mary Young [HD-50] for Colorado’s state legislature. @RepMaryYoung

✅NDRC ENDORSEMENT: Meghan Lukens [HD-26] for Colorado’s state legislature. @MeghanLukens

✅NDRC ENDORSEMENT: Regina English [HD-17] for Colorado’s state legislature. @ReginaEnglishCO

✅NDRC ENDORSEMENT: Tammy Story [HD-25] for Colorado’s state legislature. @Story4CO

✅NDRC ENDORSEMENT: Tisha Mauro [HD-46] for Colorado’s state legislature.

✅NDRC ENDORSEMENT: William Lindstedt [HD-33] for Colorado’s state legislature. @wslindstedt

✅NDRC ENDORSEMENT: Dylan Roberts [SD-8] for Colorado’s state senate. @Dylan_RobertsCO

✅NDRC ENDORSEMENT: Kyle Mullica [SD-24] for Colorado’s state senate. @Kyle_Mullica

✅NDRC ENDORSEMENT: Lisa Cutter [SD-20] for Colorado’s state senate. @Cutter4Colorado

✅NDRC ENDORSEMENT: Nick Hinrichsen [SD-3] for Colorado’s state senate. @NickForCO

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