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Oct 3, 2022, 8 tweets

"The Rothschilds stand ready to lend money in unlimited amounts to those robbers & murderers, who call themselves governments, to be expended in shooting down those who do not submit quietly to being robbed & enslaved."
Lysander Spooner, No Treason (1870)
1/ (thread)

Year 1870: the Rothschilds own gov'ts & monarchs. Sounds familiar?

Spooner tried to warn us...

THREAD: extracts from 'No Treason, No.6: The Constitution of No Authority', ch.XVIII (1870) by Lysander Spooner


Complete 'No Treason' text:…

Extracted from 'No Treason, No.6: The Constitution of No Authority', chapter XVIII (1870) by Lysander Spooner


Extracted from 'No Treason, No.6: The Constitution of No Authority', chapter XVIII (1870) by Lysander Spooner


Extracted from 'No Treason, No.6: The Constitution of No Authority', chapter XVIII (1870) by Lysander Spooner


Extracted from 'No Treason, No.6: The Constitution of No Authority', chapter XVIII (1870) by Lysander Spooner


@NobodyCitizen, here's something you might appreciate. 💪 (couldn't tag you)

... and @julija9j too. 💪

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