Chelsea Clinton Profile picture
Mom of Charlotte, Aidan & Jasper, Married to Marc, Advocate, Author, Teacher, @ClintonFdn & @CHAI_health & @HealthierGen, New Yorker

Oct 3, 2022, 7 tweets

In this episode of #GUTSY, we explore relationships across love lost & mourned, love discovered & deepened, through marriage, divorce & beyond. We join extraordinary women at the movies, play Jenga, make jewelry, go bowling & listen as they share the paths they forged in love.

.@AbbyWambach & @GlennonDoyle had the perfect meet-cute at a librarian conference. Instead of trying to fulfill everyone else’s expectations for themselves, they prioritized their love and kids, and now help others do the same. ❤️

At divinity school, Rev. Whittney Ijanaten committed to leading a faith community that was inclusive of our whole selves, including her whole Black, queer self. With love and inclusivity, she now proudly and joyfully performs marriages.

.@FraidyReiss, at age 19, was forced to marry a man who threatened to kill her. It took her 15 years to get out. She founded @UnchainedAtLast to help others escape forced marriages & to challenge the laws in the 43 states where child marriage is still legal.

For decades feminist icon & journalist @GloriaSteinem has stood up for women’s rights and human rights. She’s forged a fiercely independent path, including forgoing marriage until later in life.

Widowed at 35 with six children, Michelle Neff Hernandez was unsure how to navigate and share her grief, and build a life going forward. This led her to create Camp Widow @SoaringSpirits - a program for widowed persons to grieve, celebrate life & build new friendships.

These women, and many others featured in “Gutsy Women Are Rebel Hearts,” take us on a journey to explore love in all its facets - the good, the bad, the painful.

Check out this episode of #Gutsy, directed by Cynthia Wade on @AppleTVPlus.…

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