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Oct 3, 2022, 10 tweets


PACHE Celebrates #NigeriaAt62 in grand style. Keynote address was delivered by @MohUsman_ of @alansarfm961 on the role of youths in ensuring credible electoral process.

The President and Founder of @pache_org @ambahmedshehu gave the welcome address while The Programme Manager @sadeeq_waziri gave an Overview about the centre and the project we are currently implementing in partnership with MCN @ngBritish specifically appreciating VPS in Borno

@YaxsyMand also gave a goodwill remark, the Chairman of the Voluntary Policing Sector Coordination group for MMC and Jere(CJTF, Hunters, Vigilante and Hisba), and Super Overall Commander of the Civilian Joint Task Force Borno, Baba Shehu AbdulGaniyyu also gave his goodwill remark

The Principal of Mustapha Umar Elkanemi Arabic College, Maiduguri (Malam Muhammad Maji) also gave his goodwill remarks

Cross Section of Participants during the event

Different Artists entertained the event with 4 unique Music Performances, including music on Rape, a Kanuri song on Peace, a Hausa rap artist and the winner of the Peace Day Talent Hunt @iamicegee also entertained the guests with his song "Borno Home of Peace"

The Event was Chaired by @ALIYUCOMRADE2 (Director of Media @Bornocivil) and @unimaidy Sunday Williams Omega (Dan Hajaratu Jikan Talatu Mai Maganin Gargajiya, Founder Dan Hajaratu Communications)

An exciting game was played by participants on @Kahoot with questions centred around facts about Nigeria where the top 3 winners are awarded with Prizes. The Top 3 winners are
1. @MohUsman_ from @alansarfm961
2. @YaxsyMand from @GameLaneMiu and
3. Amiey also from @alansarfm961

@GameLaneMiu provided an opportunity for participants at the event to enjoy 50% discount on their Virtual Reality Games. It was so much fun that many people almost fell to the floor with laughter

The event rounded up with Group Photographs of all the participants

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