Robin Moffatt 🍻🏃🥓 Profile picture
DevEx Engineer at @Decodableco. Doing fun stuff with data and open source. 🌐 🔗 Mastodon:

Oct 5, 2022, 11 tweets

Dan Sotolongo at #current22: RDBMS and SQL have stood the test of time. Sets the scene for stream processing by covering core concepts of tables and steams

#current22 handling event time joins in SQL using functions.

The next problem is making sure we have all the data. It’s watermarks, but not really


How do you even define “complete”? 🤯

Finalisation predicates

Final subquery

Using change logs to build tables

Using an operator to get a change log from a table #current22

How do you handle nondeterministic results? #Current22

#Current22 materialise what is nondeterministic

Five challenges for streaming, and their proposed solutions in SQL #current22

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