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Updates from the devolved government for Scotland. Please note we're unable to answer questions here, find out how to get in touch at

Oct 5, 2022, 6 tweets

We continue to do all we can to tackle poverty and help with the cost of living crisis.

Not sure where to go for help?

Read this thread ⬇


Need urgent help with money, food or fuel?

Your local council may be able to help with:

🔵 Loans or grants
🔵 Food and fuel vouchers
🔵 Recycled clothes or household items

Contact your council at…

Household expenses and bills are going up.

You may be eligible for benefits, payments or support which could help with your:

🔵 Energy bills
🔵 Rent and mortgage
🔵 Council tax

See what's available at

Benefits and grants may help you increase your income.

Check if you're eligible for payments like:

🔵 Scottish Child Payment
🔵 Carers Allowance Supplement
🔵 Disability payments
🔵 Pension Credit

Full list and benefits calculators at…

There's a range of support available for families in Scotland.

This includes @SocSecScot benefits like the Scottish Child Payment and Best Start Grant.

You can also get help with free school meals and school clothing grants.

Details at…

Make sure you're getting all the help you're entitled to.

ℹ Our new website provides information on the wide range of advice and financial support available.

Find out more at…


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