Robin Moffatt 🍻🏃🥓 Profile picture
DevEx Engineer at @Decodableco. Doing fun stuff with data and open source. 🌐 🔗 Mastodon:

Oct 5, 2022, 17 tweets

“A lot of the time you don’t need real time” *gasp* #current22

“A lot of the Modern Data Stack is marketing bullshit” #current22

OMG I love this talk


dbt sits on top of your data platform of choice

dbt workflow #Current22

The view of batch vs streaming from @notamyfromdbt #current22
Strong resonance with @esammer’s talk yesterday

the convergence of batch and streaming worlds #current22

Being able to write the same SQL without needing to code for time windows etc is more accessible and makes it feel much more like a regular database #current22

working with streaming data in dbt and snowflake. Streaming and batch nodes in the same lineage chart #current22

Who owns all of this? The analytics engineer.

🎯 Shouldn’t be talking about batch vs streaming, but what your company needs #Current22

Where could it go wrong? #current22

(Love that @notamyfromdbt looks forward on this and not just a best case scenario)

🔥 #current22

Spicy take, but important one. *why* does it need to be real-time? What are they doing with that data? What is the business impact if we *don’t* have real-time #Current22

Sometimes though you *do* need real-time. @notamyfromdbt’s example was an airline that had a screen showing when to close the gate for a flight. A five minute SLA was ok and only what was possible with the tooling at the time - but real-time *would* have been better #Current22

Sometimes it’s not either/or - it’s both #Current22

The world is shifting. It should be about the use cases, not batch vs streaming. Analytics engineer is well placed to own this intersection. #current22

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