Robin Moffatt 🍻🏃🥓 Profile picture
DevEx Engineer at @Decodableco. Doing fun stuff with data and open source. 🌐 🔗 Mastodon:

Oct 5, 2022, 20 tweets

Apparently data people are really boring people, so the hype around big data dying down fitted well #current22

The most boring diagram in IT. We’ve standardised the tooling around all this (except BI) #current22

Fivetran, dbt, snowflake are the boring defaults #Current22

FiveTran is boring, but simple. And it’s what people use.

Databricks and snowflake came to market in different ways. Snowflake has the mindshare. #current22

Community search results in dbt - snowflake is 10x more popular. Community matters! #current22

Why is snowflake successful? Databricks sells shiny technology. Snowflake is faster and cheaper. #current22

Airflow for transformation. Powerful but complex. Dbt just uses sql. Kinda boring. #current22

Making big data actually work.


Faster internet with cable, faster web browsers with chrome, faster video editing with TikTok - all things people were already doing, but faster. Enabled new use cases that people hadn’t thought of. #current22

Because it’s easy to get data in from asana etc, Mode build reports against it. If it wasn’t easy, they wouldn’t. #current22

The elephant in the room at a data streaming conference… where is the streaming in this? #current22

There just aren’t a lot of use cases for streaming. We’re not Uber, Google, amex, etc. We’re the 99%

Echoes of Strata at #current22 with its agenda based on technology for technology’s sake

Let’s make streaming boring. Forget the fancy use cases. Let’s just make it easy. #Current22

@bennstancil is hitting the nail on the head here. Streaming will get adoption when it’s easy and boring and let’s us do what we’re doing already but just faster. It’s not about the technology. #current22

#current22 boring is what sells

Loved this talk from @bennstancil. Make sure you check out his newsletter at


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